京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所 情報処理室

KU Mail service

What’s kind of  “KU Mail” service?

There are 2 services.

Please check your the e-mail forwarding setting if you don’t use the KUMail or KUMOI as your main e-mail address because Kyoto University may inform the important announcement.

How to forward KUMail and KUMOI.

What’s “KU Mail” service?

It’s the e-mail service for safely and effectively informing all faculties of Kyoto University.
By using the common services, including KU mail, of Kyoto University, you get the SPS-ID.
In this Center, the administrative office hands out it to new staff. About the inquiry of this service, please contact the following office.

What’s SPS-ID?

If you forgot the ID or Password, please directly contact the following office.

How to forward KU-mail to other e-mail address

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