京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所 情報処理室

KU Wi-Fi service

In April 2017, there are 3 following wifi services  in Kyoto University.
Please contact each carrier about Carrier Wi-Fi (Public Wireless LAN) .

* About the visitor’s network service, please see Visitor's Network Service.

If you have SPS-ID or ECS-ID   (Kyoto University common ID), you had better use  “KUINS-Air” Wi-Fi for using the local services, such as the Library online journal in Kyoto University. And then, you had better set up the IKEv2 connection for using the local services from an external of Kyoto University network. Else if you are a visitor or cannot get SPS-ID or ECS-ID,  you can use your eduroam ID in your University or Visitor ID. In detail, please see “eduroam” section.

PLEASE keeps in your mind that the use of P2P file sharing software, such as BitTorrent, is prohibited in the network of Kyoto University. Then, please pay attention about “Rules for Kyoto University Information Network Use (PDF)”.

1. “KUINS-Air” Wi-Fi

SPS-ID or ECS-ID are available in the wifi service.

You can access to the local service in Kyoto University without PPTP (IKev2) connection.

2. Wi-Fi “eduroam

If you cannot access to KUINS-Air wi-fi, please use it.

If you have SPS-ID or ECS-ID, Please publish your eduroam ID in “Federated ID Service“.

At least, this ID needs to publish once a year.Please don’t give your eduroam ID to any other people.

If you want to access to the local service in Kyoto University, please use IKEv2 connection.


The eduroam is the Wi-Fi roaming service between Universities’ campus network. It is voluntarily managed by the Universities joined to the international research and education community.

Sometimes, the “eduroam” Wi-Fi might not be able to connect due to the authentication failure between Universities’ campus. Therefore, please try again at several times when “eduroam” cannot be connected.

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