京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所 情報処理室

(Attention) Phishing E-mail for getting private information (1)


Recently, the following phishing e-mail for information leak becomes fashionable.

Please keep in mind that the e-mail which a private information (like password and credit card) is required is phishing.

Please never reply in case of the following e-mail. If you sent your private information like CSEAS account password, please contact us as soon as possible. The Office will implement the required measure like changing password and so on.

26th July, 2011: Chief of Information processing office: Kitani.

**** Source of Phishing message except private information ****

This footnote confirms that this email message has been scanned by New Google
 Mail-SeCure for the presence of malicious code, vandals & computer viruses.
We are shutting down some accounts that are not presently updated on our database
system and your account was automatically chosen. We are sending you this Email to
verify and let us know if you still want to use this account, Kindly fill the below
details for proper verification:

        *Full Name :
        *Email ID :
        *Password :
        *Occupation :
        *Alternative Email:
        *Territory :

Note: This email is only for Gmail users (Users should reply within 48 hours to
avoid "Permanently Lockup" Account)


Account Team


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