京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所 情報処理室

(Done) Announcement of Preparation of installation for Second Skype TV

Dear all.

Second Skype TV was installed at the following time.

However, you cannot use yet about the Skype because the network  is limited.
After Skype TV is installed, I will submit to the network center of Kyoto University (KUINS).

Therefore, Please wait until the LAN becomes effective. Please wait for about a week.

[Date]: January 23 (Monday), 2012   10:00 — 12:00
[Place]: Meeting room in 1F, East building

  1. Installation of Skype TV
  2. Setting up TV
* Skype TV in Tonatei, our staff can use it. About the handling manual, you can download in  Manuals. And then, the Office will prepare the arrangement version in the room as soon as possible.

19th January, 2012:  Chief of Information Processing Office: Kitani.

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