京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所 情報処理室

Demise of some Google services like Google Desktop


This decision was published in Official Google Blog on September 2, 2011.

By  the decision, I think that Google Desktop user will be influenced most among their uses. Google Desktop will be revoked on September 14, 2011. Since September 14, you won’t be able to download Google Desktop or to get any supports. Therefore, the time when users have to consider about the service instead of Google Desktop  if  users want to continue to use the function will come in near future.

In case of focusing on the desktop search function in an OS, Windows has “Windows Desktop Search” (From Vista) and MacOSX has “Spotlight” (from MacOS 10.4). Of course, users will need to judge whether these functions are enough or not.

6th September, 2011  Chief of Information Processing Office: Kitani.

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