京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所 情報処理室

Microsoft Office 2011 (14.2.0: SP2) for Mac Released


The aim of this major update version called “Service Pack 2 (SP2) is for improving various functions and fixing various issues.  Please update latest version if you use Microsoft Office 2011.

[How to update]

There are two approaches.

  1. Click “Check for Updates” in the “Help” menu after one of Word/Excel/PowerPoint is started up.
      * In case of using company or university network, the update may sometimes be failure because of using closed network with proxy system. If you cannot update it, please use “No.2” method.
  2. Download Standalone updater and install it.

Please see the following HP about version history.

16th April, 2012  Chief of Information Processing Office: Kitani.

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