京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所 情報処理室

How to check in case that the trouble occurred in the menu of WordPress with WPML plugin

There are frequent trouble regarding WPML in this Center, so I would like to write the FAQ.

In case that other language menu was displayed.

* For example, English is main language and Japanese is translated language. 

  1. Login the WordPress
  2. Click on “Appearance” menu in the left side menu and select “Menus”.
  3. Click on “Japanese” in the upper left menu and check each menus.
       Language: Japanese
       Translation of : English menu (Original) 
  4. Click on “Save Menu” button.

View of Menus in the administration menu of WordPress with WPML plugin


Then, you will confirm that the trouble is fixed.

If the trouble cannot resolve, 

  1. Contact  Developer company which created the web site.
  2. Restore all data in the database.

About the restoring operation, you had better ask for the help  to the IT section if it is possible because difficult and cautious operation  is required. By the restoring, all data with all settings will be reset at the backup time.
For example, the Office’s HP has been being backed up once in 2 hours. About the backup, please contact the person or company who has been managing the web site. If there is not the backup system, you had better install it. 

 29th August, 2012  Chief of Information Processing Office: Kitani.

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