京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所 情報処理室

(Local) How to use CSEAS mail address in the personal Gmail.


The Center provides the e-mail system called “Gmail” for “@cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp” domain.
Basically, the e-mail address is used for the research activity in the Center. 
However, the personal e-mail address is sometimes used for a special reason in various research activities. 
By the information security policy, the internal committee’s ML can be only posted from the Center’s e-mail address.  

Therefore, Please use the sender address changing system  (personal Gmail and so on) in case of the special reason.
I explain the way for the personal Gmail as follow:


The Office haven’t done  the support for Personal Gmail.
You’d like the support, please use Gmail Help Forum


First of all, please check the forwarding setting from @cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp to your personal Gmail (@gmail.com).

* Basically, please use the Center’s Gmail. The Office strongly recommends to use it except a special reason.  

Step 1. Setting for your personal Gmail

This step is for adding the Center’s e-mail address to the sender e-mail address in your personal Gmail.

  1. Login the personal Gmail
  2. Select “Settings” in the gear icon.
  3. Click on “Accounts” in the upper menu.
  4. Check on “Reply from the same address the message was sent to” in the “Send mail as:” category.
  5. Click “Add another email address you own” in “Send mail as:” category.
  6. Input your CSEAS e-mail address (@cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp) in the E-mail address box. And then, Click on “Next Step”.
  7. Click on “Send Verification” button.
  8. Logout personal Gmail  and Login CSEAS Gmail.
  9. When “Send Verification” e-mail from Google, please access the confirmation URL in the e-mail for allowing the access from personal Gmail.


Confirmation of Settings

Please confirm the settings by the following operation.

  1. Logout CSEAS Gmail  and Login the personal Gmail
  2. Select “Settings” in the gear icon.
  3. Click on “Accounts” in the upper menu.
  4. Confirm to add  your CSEAS Gmail address  in the “Send mail as:” category.
  5. Confirm to check on “Reply from the same address the message was sent to” in the “Send mail as:” category.


How to send the e-mail using CSEAS e-mail address (@cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp)

Compose (New Mail)

Please change “From” address to your CSEAS e-mail address.

Reply  (“To:” is your CSEAS e-mail address)

When you reply the e-mail, the sender address will be automatically changed the personal Gmail address to CSEAS e-mail address.

Reply (“To:” is your personal e-mail address)

Please change “From” address to your CSEAS e-mail address.

28 March, 2013  Chief of Information Processing Office: Kitani.

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