WP DS FAQ Plus plugin for WordPress 1.0.14 Released

  WP DS FAQ Plus is the expand of WP DS FAQ Plugin. The plugin bases on WP DS FAQ 1.3.3. 
This version is added and improved about the following big changes.

  • (Fixed) In case of editing a FAQ data from front page, “Ajax error” was displayed when “Cancel” or “Save” button was pushed”. Even if “Ajax error” was displayed, the data processing could be doing.
  • In case of using the table format in latest list function, the title of each item is displayed.

* This plugin includes the fixed some issues (Quotation and Security, such as SQL Injection and CSRF. ) , Japanese translation, improvement of interface, and SSL Admin setting.

– WP DS FAQ Plus plugin site  (1.0.14 published on 22th September, 2011)

22th September, 2011: Chief of Information processing office: Kitani.


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