WordPress Development

This page is the WordPress memo  regarding the technical development in the Office.
The original source (Development, Translation, and other contribution) has been posted to various sites because the developments or translations are in the both of personal level and organizational level.

Developed Plugin

Related Information

  • Wordpress (FAQ in this site)
  • Japanese Character Encoding
    • CP932 to Unicode table  version 2.0 (The Unicode Consortium)
    • Comparison table of  the character encoding code  for “Shift_JIS  – CP932 (SJIS-win)” and “Shift_JIS — x-mac-japanese (SJIS-mac)” (UIC) — in Japanese, but it seems to provide the comparison tables of various language in the site.
      * “文字コード表” is “Character code table”
      + “表示方法” is “Display mode”
      — “出力をUTF8に変換して表示” is “Display byt converting to UTF-8. ”
      — “選択した文字コードのまま表示” is “Display by the selected character code.”
      — “選択した文字コードと他の文字コードの比較表示” is “Comparison Display of the selected character code and the other character code.”
      + “比較対象とする文字コード” is “Comparative character code”.
      + “差分行のみ表示する” is “Display only different lines”.
      + “差分文字を強調する” is “Highlight the different characters.”
      + “実行” is “Run”.


Plugin: Login Security Solution (May 17 and June 8, 2014)

Plugin: Contact Form 7 to Database Extension (Nov 5, 2012)

  • [Download]:  My Japanese translation was embed to version 2.4.3 on Nov 4, 2012.
  • [Note]: It seems to apply it because the old version (.mo file) is used.

Plugin: Post-Views (Oct 18, 2012)

  • [Download]: (Kitani’s personal HP in Japanese)
  • [Notice]: (Plugin Support Forum)


Plugin: Output for Japanese Excel in Contact Form 7 to Database Extension (Nov 5, 2012)

  • [Download]:  My developed programming code was embed to version 2.4.3 on Nov 4, 2012.
  • [Notice]: (Plugin Support Forum)
  • [Issue]: Trouble of Japanese Excel in Macintosh
    * The reason is to use the different codes between Macintosh and Windows in Shift_JIS (in Japanese).
    Especially, the circled numbers  “①②③…..” cannot display in Macintosh Excel. I consider to respond the famous characters among the problem characters. Fortunately, I heard that PHP 5.4 implemented “SJIS-mac” for coping with this issue. I think that I’d like tol test in PHP 5.4….
    Now, Japanese Macintosh user had better convert  the character encoding of output CSV file  to “Japanese Mac” using CotEditor and so on.

Comfortable PHP Program codes for Shortcode Exec PHP Plugin

Fixed Issues

Plugin: Contact Form 7 Datepicker

  • This plugin is the extension plugin for Contact Form 7 plugin. The aim is to implement the calendar input system in the form of Contact Form 7.
  1. (Solved) Cannot specify the calendar color. (Nov 1, 2012 in Plugin support forum)
  2. (Solved) Cannot work due to the cache plugins, such as Header Cleaner (Oct 25, 2012 / FAQ in this site in Japanese)

Plugin: Comprehensive Google Map

  • (Solved) cannot work “Geo machup” function (Sep 24, 2012)
    The issue is fixed to install “Comprehensive Google Map repair” plugin developed by  seto (WordBench Kyoto)
         * The plugin is the testing version and is not published. If you want to get it, please join to WordBench京都どす in Facebook  or contact me.


5th November, 2012  Chief of Information Processing Office: Kitani.