e-Learning in Kyoto University

Kyoto University staffs assume responsibility for attending the following e-Learning.

Portal site for KU e-Learning courses

According to Info! No.14 (PR journal of the media center) on 8th November 2018, the portal site for checking the user’s attendance status. However, not all e-Learning can be checked, only three: “Research Integity Training,” “Proper Use of Research Grants Training” and “Information Security Training”.

Please access the above site with SPS-ID or ECS-ID and check your status of the e-learning.

[Note]: The checklist in the above portal site is a part of KU e-learning courses.

Research Integrity Training(KU)

The course is conducted by Kyoto University.

Sign in & Manuals: https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/research/research-compliance-ethics/integrity

English Guide: https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/sites/default/files/inline-files/integrity-73d62481c96f2e167e51ed50c96215ec.pdf

Implementation: Started in 2024

Persons required to take the course:

Faculty and staff members who conduct research activities at Kyoto University

  • Faculty and staff members who engage in research activities and who are employed based on the university’s
    work regulations (excluding students employed as TAs, RAs, and OAs)
  • Persons who apply for competitive research funds, etc., from funding agencies for the purpose of conducting
    research activities at Kyoto University, even if they have no employment relationship with the university
    (professors emeriti, JSPS research fellows, etc.)

Research Integrity Training(APRIN e-Learning)

Sign in & Manuals: https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/research/research-compliance-ethics/research-integrity-rules-reporting/research-integrity-training

Target: All researchers who conduct research activities (including graduate students) and lectures at Kyoto University

2024 or later: Attendance of the course is required once every three years (in 2024, all relevant personnel are required to attend).

2021: Regardless of whether you have taken the course up to the fiscal year 2020, you will be required to take the course in the fiscal year 2021 or later.

Persons required to take the course:

Faculty and staff members who conduct research activities at Kyoto University

  • Faculty and staff members who engage in research activities and who are employed based on the university’s
    work regulations (excluding students employed as TAs, RAs, and OAs)
  • Persons who apply for competitive research funds, etc., from funding agencies for the purpose of conducting
    research activities at Kyoto University, even if they have no employment relationship with the university
    (professors emeriti, JSPS research fellows, etc.)

Related Information

Information Security Training

Sign in & Manuals: http://www.iimc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/services/ismo/e-Learning/

Target: All members holding SPS-ID and  ECS-ID

Schedule: Every Year
*Since 2016 fiscal year, the system was changed. Please attend the class every year.

Check: Please sign in Kyoto University Staff’s Groupware (SPS-ID or ECS-ID). If you don’t attend the course, the notice will be displayed.

Related Information

Proper Use of Research Grants Training

Sign in: https://kenkyu-tekisei-el.rp.kyoto-u.ac.jp/el/

Target: All faculty, staff, and students who may receive or manage competitive funds

Schedule: each year

Notice: submission of the pledge

Handling Manual: https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/research/research-compliance-ethics/proper-use-of-research-grants/e-learning-course-proper-use-of-research-grants

Related Information

Security Export Control Training

Sign in: https://cls.iimc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/portal/

Target: Staffs (SPS-ID) or ECD-ID (for JSPS Research Fellows and so on)

Schedule: each year

Web site: https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/research/research-compliance-ethics/security-export-control.html

Related Information

  • Contact Us (General Affairs section in NANSEI administrative office) / (Local access only)

Protection of Retained Personal Information Training

Sign in: https://cls.iimc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/portal/

Target: Primarily intended for staff members who handle or are interested in protecting personal information.

Schedule: each year (since September 2019)

Related Information

  • Contact Us (General Affairs section in NANSEI administrative office) / (Local access only)