Prevention Measures for malicious software to the external media

1. Create “Autorun.inf” folder on the top of an external media.

This is very easy way without any costs and it has strongly effective. At least, you should do the prevention measure!

This measure can prevent the behavior which malicious software try to infect with the computer using Auto play function in Windows OS.

Operation of Windows

  1. Open a Folder.
  2. Select “Folder and Search Option” in Tool of upper menu.
    * Vista/7: Select “Folder and Search Option” in “Organize” of upper menu
  3. Click “View” of upper menu.
  4. Search “Remenber each folder’s view settings” and take off it. Then click OK.
  5. Open the external memory (like USB memory).
  6. Create “Autorun.inf” folder (Not file).
  7. Operation 1-3 and Search “Remenber each folder’s view settings” and check on it. Then click OK


2. Nullification of “Autorun/Autoplay” function

  • At least, we strongly recommend to disable all of “Autorun (Autoplay)” except CD/DVD.

[Windows Vista or 7]

Please carry out the following tool for automatically setting up the system.
After you install and configure the tool via following one-click automatic setting, please restart your system (Windows).

*Download (right click)

Then, by using this tool, the registry information will be changed or added as follow:



Appendix: Check of the external media

This is the free system using open source software (Linux Live CD). Please read the following document.

26th April, 2011 Updated
22nd October, 2014  Updated.