(Local Announcement) Upgrade to new Gmail interface in CSEAS Google Apps

Dear all.

Today, Gmail in CSEAS was upgraded to new user interface. In case of using the e-mail software, you are not influenced. I feel that new Gmail user interface was drastically changed.

Now, the Office confirmed about the following information.

  • New Gear icon
       You can change the display spacing. In case of old design, I think that minimum had been being set up. Then, you can directly access the theme setting page.
  • Contact
       Contact menu was moved into “Mail” menu in the upper of left side menu.
  • Search
       By clicking the lower triangular portion, you can easily use the detail search option.

Maybe,  you will be able to understand about new features by reading the following news.

[Online News]

7th December, 2011  Chief of Information Processing Office: Kitani.

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