Firefox 9.0.1 and Thunderbird 9 Released

Firefox 9 and Thunderbird 9 were released on December 21, 2011. About the detail information, please check the release note. Firefox 9.0,1 was released on December 22, 2011. This version is the fix for  MacOSX Lion.

  • (Firefox) Improvement of Javascript Performance.
  • (Firefox) Compatibility of MacOSX LionAdded “Twitter” to the search bar for select locales.

If you are  Firefox 7 or Thunderbird 7 user, your Firefox and Thunderbird will be automatically upgraded within several days. However, you had better keep in mind that a lot of add-on software in Thunderbird will be disabled because of compatibility issue. About famous add-on software, the new version will be arrived soon, but minar software may not be supported.

* If you’d like to make the incompatible add-on  run in new version, “Add-on Compatibility Reporter” will be helpful. The Office carried out the operation verification about this add-on, but of course, please use by self-responsibility.

 23th December, 2011  Chief of Information Processing Office: Kitani.


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