[Notice]: Please update your OS for preventing the critival vulnerabilities “KRACKs” regarding Wi-Fi tapping.

Dear all. According to the annoumcement of the security office of Kyoto University, the serious weaknesses on the latest Wi-Fi technology (WPA2)  were discovered. An attacker within range of a victim can exploit these weaknesses using KRACKs (Key Reinstallation AttaCKs). This can be abused to steam sensitive information, such as an credit card numbers, passwords, emails, photos, web browsing history, and so on. BBC news: http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-41635516 First of all, the Center’s main services, such as Google products (Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Drive,…) and the websites using https:// (SSL encryption) aren’t influenced. If you use FTP or HTTP (http://) for uploading a website data, managing a website, or browsing a website,...Read More