KU Mail service

What’s kind of  “KU Mail” service?

There are 2 services.

  • KUMail for SPS-ID (Faculty and staff of Kyoto University)
  • KUMOI for ECS-ID (Student, professor emeritus, trainees, collaborators, and invited foreign scholars, and so on)

Please check your the e-mail forwarding setting if you don’t use the KUMail or KUMOI as your main e-mail address because Kyoto University may inform the important announcement.

How to forward KUMail and KUMOI.

What’s “KU Mail” service?

It’s the e-mail service for safely and effectively informing all faculties of Kyoto University.
By using the common services, including KU mail, of Kyoto University, you get the SPS-ID.
In this Center, the administrative office hands out it to new staff. About the inquiry of this service, please contact the following office.

  • Digital Administrative Promotion Office in Information division of Kyoto University
    TEL: 075-753-2198
  • PLEASE be attention that you  cannot use it in a PC (common PCs at a net cafe, airport, and so on) which is used by unspecified persons because for the information security policy of Kyoto University (Rules for Using the Kyoto University Campus wide Information System: Article 8 (5) ).

  • The Office recommends that you  forward it to the CSEAS e-mail address.
    Please see how to forward KU Mail to other e-mail address.

What’s SPS-ID?

If you forgot the ID or Password, please directly contact the following office.

  • Digital Administrative Promotion Office in Information division of Kyoto University
    TEL: 075-753-2198

How to forward KU-mail to other e-mail address

  • [Download not found]