(Notice) Don’t use “Sign in Chrome” function in a common PC!


Google Chrome has “Sign in Chrome” function (using Google account) . This is comfortable function for sharing the bookmark in the user’s devices, such as the PC, smartphone, tablet, and so on.

However, the use of this function in a common or untrusted devices is dangerous because the  private information, such as Gmail, may be leaked.
Or the bookmark in your private devices may be changed to the bookmark of the common device.  
At least, if you login for a service in a common devices, you should logout (in case of Chrome, please see Sign out).

Google is warning notice about this issue in the web site “Why sign in to Chrome“. 

PLEASE be careful when you enjoy the internet surfing!

How to check Sign in or not?

  1. Click on the setting icon and select ” Sign in to Chrome”.
    chrome setting icon


  2. When you have ever signed in (now not sign in), you are requested only password.
      * In case of the condition, you will be able to judge that the bookmark had ever synchronized.
         If your ID and password is saved in Chrome, the bookmark in synchronizing now!

How to remove the information

Please see “Delete a user” section in https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/2364824 .

However, if you have ever signed in and the bookmark was changed,  you need to fix it manually.。


24th October, 2013: Chief of Information Processing Office: Kitani.

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