「Notice]: Upgrade old Adobe Acrobat Free & Product!

Adobe Acrobat Reader & Pro users,

We think that above software are installed to almost PCs because of reading a PDF file.

A PDF file has been added various functions, so when a PDF file is opened, a program code can run, go to a web site, or involve a virus. Thefefore, it’s very important issue for keeping the latest security of Adobe Acrobat Reader & Pro in your PC.

Fistly, we introduce the support end date for each adobe acrobat reader&pro.

  • Acrobat DC: Support end is on April 8, 2020
  • Acrobat XI (11): Support end is on October 15, 2017
  • Acrobat X (10): Support end was on November 15, 2015

Reference: https://helpx.adobe.com/support/programs/adobe-support-policies-supported-product-versions.html

We strongly recommend to consider as bellow.

[Case 1].  Use of Acrobat X (10) Pro or previous version (Pro)

Please consider to upgrade Acrobat Professional 2017 as soon as possible.
Kyoto University corp handles the license version.

[Case 2].  Use of Acrobat XI (11) Pro or previous version (Pro)

Please consider to upgrade Acrobat Professional 2017 until the end of this fiscal year.
Kyoto University corp handles the license version.

[Case 3].  Use of old Acrobat Free version.

If you don’t use Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, please upgrade it.
1. Installation is  https://get.adobe.com/reader
2. Disable JavaScript function
Click on “JavaScript” in the left side menu, and then check off “Use Adobe JavaScript”.

27th June, 2017  Information Processing Office
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