Google Chrome 15 Released

If you’d like to use new version, you need to manually download and install it. Maybe, Google Chrome will be automatically upgraded soon. In new futures: New Tab ”Commonly-used page list” and “Recent Closed Tabs” were separated. “Recent Closed Tabs” moved to the lower navigation bar. Then, “Installed Google Chrome Apps list” was added to new section in new Tab. In this section, you can remove your installed application. Renewal of Google Chrome Web Store Linkage of Google plus Account. And were fixed 28 security vulnerabilities. Adobe Flash Player plugin was already upgraded by Google Chrome 14.0.835.202 on October 4, 2011. 26th October, 2011  Chief of Information Processing Office: Kitani.  

(Restored) Network Service Suspention

Users. By , the network at the following building was unavailable during the following period. I apologize for your inconvenience. [Date]: October 9 (Sunday), 2011 17:00 —  October 9, 2011 (Monday)  10:00 [Building]: East building and Library [Reason]: By the operation mistake of maintenance company, the power supply for the network base machine in the building had been stopped. Then, according to the information of CIAS, the network at the following area had been stopped during above time. [Area]: CIAS area in 2F Inamori Center and a part of KOKORO Research Center area in 2F Inamori Center [Reason]: The network base switch was broken. By the network center of Kyoto...Read More

(Done and Report) Announcement of temporary suspension of network services due to routine power inspection

Users. In Kyoto University, the regular check related to the electric power supply has been being carried out every year. In this year, the electric power supply will be tentatively suspended in the following time. [Date]: October 9th, 2011  13:00 — 16:00 (Sunday) [Area]: Inamori Center , Library, and Common and East building. [Summary]: The electric power supply in all buildings in the area will be suspended. [Influence]:  CSEAS HP and CSEAS E-mail won’t be influenced. Some project HPs and database will be suspended. Of course, the Desktop PC and the network won’t be used. I recommend to plug off the electric adapters in your PC, HUB, and other electric...Read More

False Detection Problem with Microsoft Security Essentials for Google Chrome

Users. According to the following news and blogs, “Microsoft Security Essentials” falsely detected that Google Chrome was malware. And if the software detectes this issue, Google Chrome was removed. This problem had been occurring during several hours on September 30th, 2011 (U.S. time). This issue was already fixed, but if Google Chrome was detected, the user needs to do the following operation. Related News or Blogs PWS:Win32/Zbot (Microsoft Malware Protection Center) Problems with Microsoft Security Essentials (Google Chrome Blog) How to fix in case that  Google Chrome doesn’t work. Manually Update of Virus definition for Microsoft Security Essentials Please see . * Of course, this issue will be solved by uninstall...Read More

(Important) Firefox 7.0.1 / Thunderbird 7.0.1 Released

Delivery of Firefox 7.0 and Thunderbird 7.0 is tentatively suspended because critical issue was discovered. The issue is that a rare issue where some users could find one or more of their add-ons hidden after a Firefox update. If you find out the issue in your Firefox or Thunderbird, you will be able to fix it using “Add-on Recovery Tool” (This tool was removed). This tool can install to Thunderbird and Firefox for Android. Firefox 7.0.1 Release Note Thunderbird 7.0.1 Release Note (Released on October 1st, 2011) 30th September, 2011 Chief of Information Processing Office: Kitani.  

Firefox 7 and Thunderbird 7 Released

Firefox 7 and Thunderbird 7 were released on September 27, 2011. By this upgrade, the performance and safety  were improved. About the detail information, please check the release note. If you are  Firefox 6 or Thunderbird 6 user, your Firefox and Thunderbird will be automatically upgraded within several days. However, you had better keep in mind that a lot of add-on software in Thunderbird will be disabled because of compatibility issue. About famous add-on software, the new version will be arrived soon, but minar software may not be supported. Firefox 7 Release Note Thunderbird 7 Release Note Don’t work add-on software in Thunderbird 6 Change quote and reply format * If...Read More

WP DS FAQ Plus plugin for WordPress 1.0.14 Released

  WP DS FAQ Plus is the expand of WP DS FAQ Plugin. The plugin bases on WP DS FAQ 1.3.3. This version is added and improved about the following big changes. (Fixed) In case of editing a FAQ data from front page, “Ajax error” was displayed when “Cancel” or “Save” button was pushed”. Even if “Ajax error” was displayed, the data processing could be doing. In case of using the table format in latest list function, the title of each item is displayed. * This plugin includes the fixed some issues (Quotation and Security, such as SQL Injection and CSRF. ) , Japanese translation, improvement of interface, and SSL Admin setting. – WP...Read More

Handling manual for using “Eduroam” wireless network in Kyoto Univ.

Users. I added the handling manual for Windows7 in English version to the following HP. Handling Manual for Eduroam Connection in “”. Kyoto University has been supporting the eduroam wireless network. If you have the eduroam ID, you will be able to connect to the Internet in the wireless network area of Kyoto University. – SSID: eduroam Then, the University expanded the system to be able to use the Visitor’s ID of Kyoto University on September 2011.About getting Visitor’s ID, please contact your supporter in Kyoto University. 16th Sepmteber, 2011 Chief of Information Processing Office: Kitani.

(Critical issue) Correspondence for Illegal SSL Certificates (Additional Information)

Users. Information Processing Office has already informed about . Today, the Office informs you that this issue is giving the influence to Acrobat Reader / Acrobat and Adobe Flash Player.Please update latest version in their software. About the detail information for corresponding to  this issue, please see “Step 3” in   . About the detail information of this issue, please see the following HP in Adobe co. Security updates available for Adobe Reader and Acrobat on September 13, 2011 16th September, 2011 Chief of Information Processing Office: Kitani.

Microsoft Office 2004 (11.6.5) / 2008 (12.3.1) / 2011 (14.1.3) for Mac Released

Users. The aim of this maintenance update version is for blocking the implementation of an attack code embedded in the document. Please update latest version if you use Microsoft Office 2004 or 2008. [How to update] There are two approaches. Click “Check for Updates” in the “Help” menu after one of Word/Excel/PowerPoint is started up.  * In case of using company or university network, the update may sometimes be failure because of using closed network with proxy system. If you cannot update it, please use “No.2” method. Download Standalone updater and install it. Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac 14.1.3 * Requirement  14.1.0 (Service Pack 1) before install latest version. Microsoft Office 2008...Read More