(Important) Please update “Adobe Flash Player” plugin in your web browser

Dear all. Now, various e-mail system is attacking using the security vulnerability of “Adobe Flash Player”. Please access to “http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/155/tn_15507.html”. Then, if you don’t use latest vesrion (, please upgrade it. (HP: http://www.adobe.com) News: http://www.eweek.com/c/a/Security/Adobe-Patches-XSS-ZeroDay-Flaw-in-Flash-Used-in-Google-Gmail-Attack-166249/ In addition, Please carry out this update on not only Internet Explorer but also other web browsers, such as Firefox if you use the web browser except Internet Explorer. Because there are 2 installers (Internet Explorer and the others) for “Adobe Flash Player”. Please do the version check your all web browsers. June 7, 2011 Chief of Information Processing Office in CSEAS: Kitani.

(Done) Announcement of the exchange of projector lamp (Tounantei)

Dear all. As I already informed at today staff meeting, the projector lamp plan to be exchange on June 2, 2011 (from 10:00). [Place]: Tonantei of Inamori meeting room (2F) [Date]: June 2, 2011 10:00 — [Operation]: Exchange of projector lamp due to the lamp longevity. May 30, 2011 Information Processing Office: Kitani.

Attention of a fake Macintosh antivirus software called “Mac Defender”

Dear all. I got the information that the fake Macintosh antivirus software called MAC Defender was discovered. If you install this software, it will try to reveal your personal information, such as your credit-card numbers. Please be careful for Macintosh users. Then, please pay attention the following security update. 1. Software Update in Apple menu Basically, after Apple co. provides new fix program for Macintosh OS, the pop-up menu appears once a week or once a day. However, if you cancel the process, your Macintosh cannot cope with the latest security vulnerability. Please do the software update process if the pop-up menu. If you cancel it, please carry out the...Read More

Google Chrome 11 Released

The Google Chrome 11 was released on May 12th, 2011.The major features are the installation of Adobe Flash Player 10.3 and the improvement of the web browsing speed. If you use this browser, you had better upgrade to it. Download  

(Done) Upgrade of CSEAS Gmail Account system

Dear division members. Date: May 9th, 2011 As I informed it at several time at the staff meeting , Google Account System was upgraded on May 9th, 2011. After Google system finish the upgrade preparation, your account will be automatically upgraded and notice it to you. Basically, you will be not influenced. If you use Google Account with CSEAS e-mail address will be migrated to CSEAS Google Account. Then, I have already informed you, you cannot access to some Google services with CSEAS e-mail address. (Picasa and so on). May 9th, 2011: Information Processing Office

(Done) Announcement of temporary network service suspension

Dear all. During the following period, the CSEAS network service will be tentatively suspended. We're sorry for your inconvenience, but please cooperate with us for the improvement of server systems. [Date]: April 19, 2011 12:00 -- 13:30 [Operation]: 1. Improvement of the server's environemnts 2. Upgrade of CSEAS FIREWALL OS 3. Update of CSEAS server systems [Influence]: CSEAS E-mail, CSEAS HP, G-COE HP, and CSAES project's HP will be tentatively suspended. * You can access to the Internet except the above HP and E-mail. April 19, 2011 Head of Information Processing Office in CSEAS: Kitani.

Tentative Network Service Suspension to external network.

Dear all. [Date]: April 14, 2011 7:00 – 8:00 (One minutes operation will be 3 times) [Reason]: Update of core network systems in Kyoto University. [Influence]: During this time, the each network between Kyoto University and the Internet won’t be able to connect. * Information source in Japanese (The media center of Kyoto University).  

Announcement of critical information security issue due to the illegal access of SSL certificate authority

Dear all. First of all, want to ask that you update the system of your web browser and OS as fast as possible. 1. OS update - Windows: http://update.microsoft.com/microsoftupdate - Macintosh: Run "Software Update". 2. Web Browser - Internet Explorer includes OS update, so please carry out it. - Firefox: Click "Check for Update" in the Help upper menu. - Google Chrome: You don't need to do anything. Because this browser has the full automatic system for the update. By this critical security vulnerability, even if you have the high-level technical skill, it is very difficult that you detect the password stealing attack. [Influence] It is influenced in SSL services...Read More

HP Information Security

The Contents Management System (CMS) becomes mainstream for editing HP. Then, the editor makes up the HP using the web browser. In this case,  the administrator has to consider not only the countermeasure for preventing falsification of web site but also the backward incidence after the web site is hacked. Because if the HP editor’s password leaks due to computer virus or other various triggers, the influence will cause damage to the Internet users. In most cases, the web server has already protected by various security system. However, the attackers try to steal the web editor’s password by using various approaches. About some famous approaches, please see the end of...Read More