How to send large files with FilePost.

There are various approaches for sending large files. I would like to introduce “FilePost” service among various services because it is simple and easy operation.

What’s PostFile?

This is online storage service with multi-languages. 


  • 10 files, total 1GB
  • Period: 3 days
  • Total download size: 1.5GB
     If you upload 100MB (0.1GB) file,  the recipient will be able to download 15 times.
  • No registration required, Multi-language support, and the support of various devices, such as iPHone, iPad, Android smartphone, and so on.

About the detail information, please see the HP of PostFile.


  • Please keep in the mind about the risk of information leak because it is the external online storage service.
  • Please do the secure password lock in case of  highly-confidential files. 
      * Macintosh
            If you have the tool for doing the secure password lock, I recommend the use of WinArchiver Lite (Apple Store). This tools support in English.
  • I strongly recommend the password lock in the PostFile (Please see the manual).

How to use it

Please the following manual. The manual was put in Manual pages.

  • [Download not found]

6th June, 2012  Chief of Information Processing Office: Kitani.

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