The attachment called “winmail.dat” is the special format called “TNEF-encoded messages” for Microsoft Outlook (E-mail software). Basically, this file cannot open except Microsoft Outlook.
- Information:
There are the following two correspondences
- (Best) Change E-mail setting of sender.
- Use of special software for opening “winmail.dat”.
In case of no.1, please see “Disable TNEF-encoded messages at Microsoft Outlook”.
Disable “TNEF-encoded messages” at Microsoft Outlook.
- Outlook 2003
In “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Outlook\Options\Mail”,
The value of DontEncodeCustomNote changes to 1. (If there is not the value, please create it.) - Outlook 2007
In “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail”,
The value of DontEncodeCustomNote changes to 1. (If there is not the value, please create it.)
In case of Microsoft Outlook XP, I think that you may replace 11.0 to 10.0. However, to directly change the registration information is high risk because the OS may crash if you misstalk a setting. Therefore, I developed the following tools.
- [Download not found]
- Disable-winmail-Outlook2003.reg: Disable “TNEF-encoded messages” (Use standard format) for Outlook2003.
- Disable-winmail-Outlook2007.reg: Disable “TNEF-encoded messages” (Use standard format) for Outlook2007.
- Enable-winmail-Outlook2003.reg: Restore to Default setting (Use “TNEF-encoded messages” format for Outlook2003)
- Enable-winmail-Outlook2007.reg: Restore to Default setting (Use “TNEF-encoded messages” format for Outlook2007)
How to open winmail.dat in your PC without using Microsoft Outlook
Pleasee refer “Winmail Opener” page.