Released New Gmail!

Dear all, The Center’s accounts are available to use  new Gmail by applying Early Adopter Program. If you have interested new Gmail, please turn on new Gmail on Gear icon in Web Gmail ( If you want to back to old Gmail, please turn on old Gmail on Gear icon in Web Gmail ( In detail, please see the announcements by Google. With new security and intelligent features, the new Gmail means business (G Suite Blog) Additional details on the new Gmail Early Adopter Program(G Suite Blog) 26th April, 2018  Chief of Information Processing Office: Kitani.

Renewal of the HP

The HP of Information Processing Office was renewed. New Center established to be merged by Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University and Center for Integrated Area Studies, Kyoto University since January 1st, 2017. The information processing office has been striving to merge various information infrastructures during last fiscal year and evolved more accessibility services. New HP’s aim is to more widely inform various technical information focused on the local services of Kyoto University and information security. For the Center’s staff, the HP started to provide new applications used by Google cloud service, such as Google document, spreadsheet with Google Apps Script. And the HP coped with a smart phone...Read More

How to set up multi-lingual input system with Screen Keyboard on Windows 7 (Lao)

Windows 7 supports Lao language. However, it’s hard to input Lao character on a keyboard (US keyboard, Japanese keyboard, and so on) without a Lao keyboard. I’d like to introduce the input method with Screen Keyboard. Firstly, I explain about how to use it. Secondary, I explain about how to set up it. How to use it Run a software (application) Run  “Screen Keyboard” (You had better put on the shortcut on the task bar) Select “LA (Lao)”. Click a character on the Screen Keyboard or push the keyboard.  If characters on the Screen Keyboard aren’t changed, select “LA (Kao)” language again (Reference: No.3).   How to set up it...Read More

[Mac / iPhone / iPad Users] Announcement of the critical issue regarding major new iOS and macOS.

Dear all. The information processing office would like to inform the bug because a researcher may handle the  language. The target devices are on the latest macOS (10.13) and iOS (11.2). (Mac / iPhone / iPad / Apple Watch) Issue When an device receive an Indian language (Telugu) character, the OS or app will crash. How to fix it (OS update) Related information 21th Feb, 2018 Kitani, Information Processing Office

[Critical Issue]: Please check your PC whether Intel vulnerability “Intel-SA-00086” involves or not.

Windows / Linux Users Intel ME/TXE Elevation of Privileges vulnerabilities were discovered. An attacker can do a remote control a PC regardless of the power off or sleep using these vulnerabilities. The information processing office discovered on new purchased PC while initial setting. Therefore, please check Related Information Intel Management Engine Critical Firmware Update (Intel-SA-00086) (Intel) Step 1. Check the vulnerability “Intel-SA-00086”. Download “Intel-SA-00086 Detection Tool” on Extract the downloaded file and Open “Intel-SA-00086-GUI” . If the result is “not applied the security patch”, please go to  Step 2. Step 2. Update the security patch BIOS update is needed. If you find out the BIOS / Drive update tool...Read More

[Windows10 users]: Please set to delay the “Windows 10 Fall Creators Update”.

Dear all. Microsoft co. provided the large-scale update “Windows 10 Fall Creators Update” for Windows10. Unfortinately, the Center’s security software “ESET” doesn’t support the update. Therefore, please set to delay the “Windows 10 Fall Creators Update” in your Windows10. Reference: Please upgrade to new ESET after the information processing office will inform about new ESET which supports “Windows 10 Fall Creators Update”.The Office will inform about how to upgrade ESET with new ESET after new ESET will be prepared. If you already upgrade “Windows 10 Fall Creators Update”, please check whether you can update ESET virus definition. Regards, Information Processing Office.

[Notice]: Google Calendar UI updated.

Dear all. Today, the Center’s Google Calendar was renewed to new system. The major features is as below: The Calendar content can be displayed without new window by the pop-up menu. If a user users multi calendars, the integrated view is supported on “Day” schedule. Responsive Web Design was applied to the web-based Google Calendar. When a user change the browser’s window size, the Google calendar automatically adjusts the view size. And then, do you know Google calendar can use in multi different time zones? If you have a interests, please see the document. Regards, 19th October, 2017 Information Processing Office.

[Notice]: Please update your OS for preventing the critival vulnerabilities “KRACKs” regarding Wi-Fi tapping.

Dear all. According to the annoumcement of the security office of Kyoto University, the serious weaknesses on the latest Wi-Fi technology (WPA2)  were discovered. An attacker within range of a victim can exploit these weaknesses using KRACKs (Key Reinstallation AttaCKs). This can be abused to steam sensitive information, such as an credit card numbers, passwords, emails, photos, web browsing history, and so on. BBC news: First of all, the Center’s main services, such as Google products (Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Drive,…) and the websites using https:// (SSL encryption) aren’t influenced. If you use FTP or HTTP (http://) for uploading a website data, managing a website, or browsing a website,...Read More