(Fixed) Unstable Gmail and Google Drive services (ex. cannot download an attached file)

According to G Suite Status Dashboard, the trouble was fixed at 3:13 PM. Dear all, According to G Suite Status Dashboard and Gmail, Google Drive hit with global outage (CNET) , Gmail and Google Drive appears to be having trouble in the world. Some staffs asked it to  information processing office. I cannot download an attached file. I cannot send an e-mail message. The trouble already has been investigated by Google. Please wait for being resolved this trouble by Google. 13th March, 2019  Information Processing Office.

1.2.0 Released WordPress plugin “WP Hidden Password Protected Pages”

The Office released  the version 1.2.0 of WordPress plugin “WP Hidden Password Protected Pages”. The version supports to hide password protected pages in the previous post and next post (previous_post_link, next_post_link) and tested up WordPress 5.0.3. Plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-hidden-password-protected-page/ The Office has released various WordPress plugins. 31st January, 2019  Chief of Information Processing Office: Kitani.

(Local) Notice of Tentative Network Suspension due to the renewal of the network machines

Users. The network will be suspended at the following area during the following period due to the renewal of the network machines in the campus. 28 January, 2019 (Monday) 9:00 – 12:00 Common Building 28 January, 2019 (Monday) 13:00 – 16:00 East Building Library 30 January, 2019 (Wednesday) 1F, Inamori Center  9:00 -13:00 2F,3F, Inamori Center  13:00 -16:00 15th January, 2019  Information Processing Office.

 [Notice]: Network Service Suspesion due to Building Power Outage associated with Electric Equipment Check

Dear all. According to the announcement from the NANSEI area common administrative office, the power outage associated with the electric equipment check will be carried out the following period. [Date]: 7th October, 2018 (Sun) 13:30 — 17:30 [Place]: Inamori Center, East building, Common buindling, and Library. [Influence]: 1. Network connection of all electric machines will be suspended at all Center’s rooms. 2. All power supplies of all electric machines will be suspended at all Center’s rooms. * Center’s web sites and e-mail will be running during the period. This operation is the regular check once a year in Kyoto University. If a electric machine in your office is running, you...Read More

Please check your account’s password for various web services.

Dear all, The e-mail address has been used by ID for various web services. As you know, the password leak incident had sometimes been being occurred  by some reasons, such as a service’s security vulnerability, an user’s poor password, an user’s miss operation (including a fishing),  and so on. Especially, if you use same password on some web services, all of their services might be hacked by the password leak. Fortunately, Mozilla provided “Firefox Monitor” tools for checking password leaked web services out an e-mail address on 25th September, 2018. Therefore, PLEASE check all your e-mail addresses by this tool. If the password leak is discovered, please carry out the...Read More

[Critical Notice: For Mac Users]: Attention to Upgrade to new macOS 10.14 (Mojave)

Dear all, New macOS 10.14 (Mojave) will be launched out at 25th September. To upgrade macOS is very easy operation, but please keep in mind that some software might not be worked on new OS. Ex. Office 2011 for Mac might not be worked on new OS because Office 2011 support was ended already. Please upgrade to Office 2016 for Mac. Need to upgrade CSEAS ESET! If CSEAS ESET installs to your Mac, the ESET has to upgrade before you upgrade macOS. If you forgot it, the Mac might be  unstable or ESET might not  be worked. This is very critical issue under the information security policy of CSEAS. For...Read More

Added the manual of Google Hangouts Meet

We created the manual for Remote Meeting System “Google Hangouts Meet”. Google Hangouts Meet Service (Remote Meeting) You can use Remote Meeting with easy operation. 10th September, 2018  Information Processing Office.

Announcement of Library Network service suspension.

Dear all, Due to the emergency recovery work for typhoon by the network center of Kyoto University, the Library network service will be suspended during the following period. [Date]: 7th September, 2018  9:00 – 18:00 (several times) [Place]: CSEAS Library  Please cooperate with us. 6th September, 2018  Information Processing Office.  

[Notice]: Keyboard Service Program for MacBook and MacBook Pro

Dear all, Apple or an Apple Authorized Service Provider started the service eligible MacBook and MacBook Pro keyboards, free of charge. Letters or characters repeat unexpectedly Letters or characters do not appear Key(s) feel “sticky” or do not respond in a consistent manner If you experience an above trouble on your MacBook or MacBook Pro, I recommend to check the following web site. Keyboard Service Program for MacBook and MacBook Pro 26th June, 2018  Chief of Information Processing Office: Kitani.  

[Announcement]: Tentative trouble of Kyoto University network services.

Dear all, The network services of Kyoto University have been widely unavailable due to the failure of network machines. In detail, please see the announcement of the media center of Kyoto University. http://www.iimc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/whatsnew/trouble/detail/180524055048.html By this trouble, The Center influenced the following services. Cannot receive the e-mail (including CSEAS). Cannot access to websites of the domains  ( ****.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp and ****.cias.kyoto-u.ac.jp). Now, it seems that the Center’s troubles were restored. However, all troubles cannot be restored yet, so it may be unstable to the Internet connection in Kyoto University network. May 24th, 2018 Information Processing Office.