How to update Microsoft Office with version history

Most Important thing for safely and stably using software is to use latest version. To upgrade a product needs decent cost including technical supporting power, but at least the update of maintenance version is needed. Office is one of very important software for writing a document, various calculation, making a presentation, and so on. By updating latest version, various troubles may be solved.

[How to update]

* In case of Windows version, please access to  (Microsoft Update).

About Macintosh version, please see the following explanation.

  1. Click “Check for Updates” in the “Help” menu after one of Word/Excel/PowerPoint is started up.
    * In case of using company or university network, the update may sometimes be failure because of using closed network with proxy system. If you cannot update it, please use “No.2” method.
  2. Download Standalone updater and install it.

[Standalone updater for Mac (SP and latest version only)]

Office v.X, 2001, or earlier version are the outside for support. Please consider to upgrade new version because of involving various security vulnerabilities and troubles.
* Version number “13.X.X” is prorated to “Microsoft Communicator for Mac“.
* Basically, the update of maintenance version cannot be applied without latest SP (Service Pack). First, please check your office version (Click “About Word” in the “Word” menu after Word is started up”.) 

  • Date format:  Month/Day/Year


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