(Attention) Phishing E-mail for getting private information (1)

Users Recently, the following phishing e-mail for information leak becomes fashionable. Please keep in mind that the e-mail which a private information (like password and credit card) is required is phishing. Please never reply in case of the following e-mail. If you sent your private information like CSEAS account password, please contact us as soon as possible. The Office will implement the required measure like changing password and so on. 26th July, 2011: Chief of Information processing office: Kitani. **** Source of Phishing message except private information **** ************************************************************************** This footnote confirms that this email message has been scanned by New Google Mail-SeCure for the presence of malicious code, vandals...Read More

(Revised) Policy change of Kyoto University network for 443/tcp port

Dear Users. About 443/tcp connection port, the users’ network of Kyoto University could directly connect to the outside of Kyoto University network. News (in Japanese):「KUINS-III NATサーバのTCPポート443への対応について」(The network center of Kyoto University) I think that the users receive the benefits of speedy connection when an application (like Skype)  utilizing  443/tcp port is used. Moreover, the machine which cannot do the proxy setting may be able to connect to the Internet. I think that the users receive the benefits of more steady and speedy connection when an application (like Skype)  utilizing  443/tcp port is used . 22th July, 2011: First Draft25th July, 2011: RevisionChief of Information processing office: Kitani. * 443/tcp means...Read More

Addition of RSS feed icon in the top page

The information lists in the top page were added to RSS feed icon. Please see the URL information in icon. About all announcements, please use the following URL.  Basically, by adding the page in the site to ‘/feed’, you can access to the RSS feed information. 22th July, 2011: Chief of Information processing office.

MacOSX Lion (10.7) Released

Today, new Macintosh OS was released. For getting new OS, you need to prepare the Macintosh installed above MacOS 10.6.6.When you access to “Mac App Store”, you will be able to see MasOS Lion. I will report the detail information because I already upgraded  my Macbook Air.  Viscerally, I feel that new OS has more  smooth operation and speedy performance. However, you need to pay attention if you use the software powered by PowerPC. MacOSX Lion does not support the Power PC. Therefore, you need to check your software and driver like printer before upgrade MacOSX Lion. 21 July,  2011: Chief of Information processing office: Kitani.  

(Note) Upgrade to WordPress 3.2.1

In case of  the web site constructed by WordPress, please pay attention about the backup before you update or upgrade the wordpress or plugins.Sometimes, the web site may not work due to the bug or the compositive environments.In case of upgrade WordPress 3.2 to 3.2.1, this site did not work. As you know about our site policy, the site is aggressively upgrade latest version for testing and solving the troubles of other sites managed by us. Therefore, I report the tentative  bypass method. [Trouble]: Apache log: exit signal Segmentation fault.[How to fix]:   –  Download compat.php and copy to wp-includes/ folder.[Reason]:  Maybe, I think that the trouble is the JSON compatibility for a...Read More

(Released) WP DS FAQ Plus plugin

WP DS FAQ Plus is the expand of WP DS FAQ plugin. The plugin bases on WP DS FAQ 1.3.2. This plugin includes the fixed some issues (Quotation and Security, such as SQL Injection and CSRF. ) , Japanese translation, improvement of interface, and SSL Admin setting. – WP DS FAQ Plus plugin site  (1.0.9 published on 20th July, 2011) 20th July, 2011: Chief of Information processing office: Kitani.  

(Fixed) Trouble of “Contact Form” in this HP

Dear all. The trouble that could not post in the contact form had occurred.Now, the trouble was fixed.We apologize for your inconvenience.   13th July, 2011  Chief of Information processing office: Kitani.  

Development of List view function for FAQ plugin

Sorry, FAQ pages are only in Japanese pages now, so please see Japanese FAQ page () if you’d like to see the action.  I developed the list view function including child pages. About detail information, please  see child_content_view in PHP Program code for Shortcode Exec PHP plugin in WordPress  (My personal HP). 12th July, 2011  Chief of Information processing office: Kitani.