Microsoft Office 2011 (14.2.2) / 2008 (12.3.3) for Mac Released
Users. It was released on May 8, 2012.This version includes the serious security vulnerabilities. Please update latest version if you use Microsoft Office 2011. [How to update] There are two approaches. Click “Check for Updates” in the “Help” menu after one of Word/Excel/PowerPoint is started up. * In case of using company or university network, the update may sometimes be failure because of using closed network with proxy system. If you cannot update it, please use “No.2” method. Download Standalone updater and install it. Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac 14.2.2 * Requirement 14.1.0 (Service Pack 1) before install latest version. Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac 12.3.3 * Requirement 12.2.0 (Service Pack 2) before install...Read More