(KUINS) Trouble of Kyoto University Network

Dear all. According  to the notice of KUINS (Kyoto University Integrated Network Services)management committee, the external connection  from Kyoto University network has been being delayed  since the upgrade of the web proxy server for the network (December 25, 2012  22:15 –).  The Office received the contact from the staffs, but please wait until this issue is fixed by the KUINS management committee. 26th December, 2012  Chief of Information Processing Office: Kitani.

(Additional) Tentative Network Service Suspension

Dear all. According to the announcement by committee of Kyoto University Integrated Network Services (KUINS),The main part of Kyoto University Network Service will be suspended more than one day.  [Date]: December 15 (Saturday) 9:00 — 16 (Sunday) 12:00 As I already informed about the renewal of main server for E-mail and Web services at between December 15 (Saturday) 0:00 and 24:00, various network  services will be suspended during above period. About the detail information, please see my e-mail.  7th December, 2012: Chief of Information Processing Office: Kitani. Dear all. As a result of adjusting the schedule again about , the operation will be carried out during the following period.  [Date]: December...Read More

(Postpone) Tentative Network Service Suspension

Users. As a result of the investigation of the media center, it turned out that it takes the time when the operation exceeded expectation far. (The Plan was 4 hours, but it will spend for 12 hours or more) Therefore, I’m adjusting the schedule.I apologize for the urgent announcement.  4 December , 2012:  Chief of Information Processing Office: Kitani. —Users. The CSEAS server will be upgraded in the following period due to the  upgrade of the universal computer system of Kyoto University. Thus, the CSEAS network services, such as CSEAS e-mail and web sites, will be suspended during the period. [Date]: December 4, 2012 (Tuesday) 18:00 – 21:00 [Influence]: The CSEAS network services,...Read More

(KUINS) Temporary Network Suspension (Resolved)

Users. According to Management committee of Kyoto University Integrated Network Services (KUINS), the instant power failure was occurred in Yoshida campus due to the trouble of KANSAI electric power company.Therefore, the Kyoto University network was suspended in the following perod.  [Date]: November 21, 2012  11:01 — 11:05 [Influence]: Yoshida Campus [Reason]: Trouble of KANSAI electric power company I think that the core network machines (HUB) in Inamori Center and the Center  were not out of order because the countermeasure system for the instant power failure was installed. If you cannot access to the Internet, please contact Information Processing Office. 21st November, 2012: Chief of Information Processing Office: Kitani.

(KUINS) Trouble of KUMail service

Users. According to  the Institute for Information Management and Communication (IIMC), Kyoto University e-Mail system for the staffs has stopped due to the trouble. The administrative office for 4 departments including CSEAS  uses this e-mail service, so the Office cannot send and receive an e-mail message. If you sent the important e-mail to the administrative office during since 11:30,  you had better send again after the trouble is restored. Announcement of IIMC [Date]: October 31, 2012  11:30 —-  [Our Influence]: We cannot communicate with Administrative Office (including CSEAS) by the e-mail (@office.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp).   [Operation]: According to the announcement, the e-mail service will be restored at 16:00 or later. * There are no troubles...Read More

(Local) Internet Explorer 8 support will be discontinued in Google Apps

Users. The CSEAS e-mail system has been used  Gmail (Google Apps), so the CSEAS will be influenced. This is the important issue due to the support deadline for WindowsXP.  According to Google Apps team, Internet Explorer 8 support will be discontinued in Google Apps since November 15, 2012. Please keep in mind that WindowsXP cannot upgrade Internet Explorer 9 or later, so I think that the decision includes the process toward the support deadline for this OS (WindowsXP will be discontinued since April, 2014 by Microsoft co.) If you use WindowsXP, you will be able to avoid the issue by using the other web browsers, such as Firefox, Opera, Google...Read More

(KUINS) Tentative Unstable Network due to DNS server maintenance

Users. According to the notice (in Japanese) of Management Committee of Kyoto University Integrated Network Services (KUINS),  the network will be unstable at the following periods. [Date]: October 16, 2012 and October 18, 2012  <12:00 — 13:00> [Influence]: During these period, you may not be able to use the network services, such as the browsing of web sites,  the e-mail, and so on. [Operation]: Maintenance of DNS servers in Kyoto University. 11th October, 2012 Chief of Information Processing Office: Kitani.

(Local) Notice of Tentative Network Suspension (DONE)

Users. The following operation was finished without a trouble. If you have a trouble regarding the network at the following building, please contact us. The network will be suspended at the following area during the following period. [Date]: October 9, 2012 (Tuesday)  12:00 — 13:00 [Area]: Library, East and Common Building. [Influence]: During this period, the network will be suspended. [Purpose]: Countermeasure of the breakdown of the building network machine due to the instantaneous power  interruption . [Operation]: Installation of UPS to the core network machine in the building.  This aims to cope with the breakdown issue of the building network machine due to .*About the issue in  last fiscal year, please see...Read More

Renewal of Education poster for Information Security in Kyoto University

Dear all. IT Security Office of Kyoto University renewed the education poster for the information security. Please look over the following poster and respect the rule. Especially, please be careful about the prohibited matters.   Related Information Handling of P2P File Sharing Software in the network of Kyoto University (KUINS)  * This information is provided in only Japanese, but you may be understand the name of “P2P” file sharing software. 24th September, 2012 Chief of Information Processing Office: Kitani.

Improvement of View system for the manual documents

Manuals have been posted to  Column or Frequent Inquiries. However, it becomes hard to search the manuals because their articles have been increased. Therefore, the Office added new category called “Manual – Article” in the “Link” of global navigation menu. 30th August, 2012 Chief of Information Processing Office: Kitani.