Please be careful about the coexistence issue of the PC security software!

Recently, a lot of PCs have been already installed to the PC when the PC is purchased.Therefore, as a result of installing the other security software, there is the case to install 2 or more security software.In this case, the OS may become  too slow or freeze because  for the contention problem. Case example When the security software called “ESET” and “McAfee” is installed to the same PC, the processing speed will be too slow.  I experienced some times. In this case, I strongly recommend the deletion of  the either security software.   In case of the Center When you install the Center’s security software (ESET), please delete the other security software...Read More

[Mac Users]: Update Failure on Sophos Antivirus

Users. In case of using Sophos Anvirus 8 or above version in MacOS Mavericks (10.9), the software update for Sophos Antivirus is sometimes failure. If this trouble occurs in the PC, Please carry out the following steps. Step 1. Overwrite install Sophos Antivirus 9.0.0 In case of the Center’s staffs, please access to the following download site and install the Sophos Antivirus 9.0.0. –  (User Authorization)   Step 2. Update the program and virus definitions Please select “Update Now” in the shield icon of the upper navigation menu.(Sorry, the following image is in Japansese.  “今すぐアップデート” means “Update Now”. And please carry out “Update Now” again until “Sophos Anti-Virus is up...Read More

(N/A) Microsoft Security Essentials for a research in the University

Users, The CSEAS PCs are not problem because the CSEAS security software has been installed in them  in the CSEAS network.  However, PLEASE pay attention for the private PCs in the home use or the wireless network use. According to the software license agreement of Microsoft Security Essentials, people cannot use the software for a research in the University even if it is the private PC. If you use this software in your PC for a research, please remove it and install other software. Related Information Newsletter No.70 in Kyoto University Integrated Network Services (in Japanese) Microsoft Answer (in Japanese) 17th December, 2013  Chief of Information Processing Office: Kitani.

(Attention) Don’t install the “Fake Security Software”

Dear all,  I discovered the fake security software called “Advanced System Protector” and “RegClean Pro”. This is not computer virus, but this is the malware.* What is Malware: It’s Malicious software, including computer virus. “RegClean Pro” tends to make you buy the fake software. “Advanced System Protector” tries to install the advertisement software (adware) . “Advanced System Protector” forcibly installs “RegClean Pro” software without your acceptance. If you installed the fake security software, you should remove the software.And then, you should consider to improve the security countermeasure system in your PC.(Reference: Approach When you access a web site, the alert “Your PC may be infected with a computer virus! Please check your PC...Read More

(Notice) Don’t use “Sign in Chrome” function in a common PC!

Users. Google Chrome has “Sign in Chrome” function (using Google account) . This is comfortable function for sharing the bookmark in the user’s devices, such as the PC, smartphone, tablet, and so on. However, the use of this function in a common or untrusted devices is dangerous because the  private information, such as Gmail, may be leaked.Or the bookmark in your private devices may be changed to the bookmark of the common device.  At least, if you login for a service in a common devices, you should logout (in case of Chrome, please see Sign out). Google is warning notice about this issue in the web site “Why sign in to...Read More

(Critical Issue) PLEASE immediately back up the data in your MacBookAir if you have!

Users. According to the announcement of Apple co., the “SSD” in a part of MacBookAir has been recalled by Apple co. since October 17th, 2013.  If your MacBookAir occurs the trouble, you won’t be able to rescue all data in the MacBookAir. First of all, I strongly recommend to back up all data in the MacBookAir (if you have)  utilizing “Time Machine” function (Setting Handbook). Back up all data in the MacBookAir utilizing “Time Machine” function (Setting Handbook). Open “Software Update” in the Apple menu. Carry out “MacBook Air Flash Storage Firmware Update 1.1”. * Or you download “MacBook Air Flash Storage Firmware Update 1.1”. By this patch, the MacBookAir will be restarted...Read More

(Important) To Adobe Creative Suite 6 (CS6) users.

Dear CSEAS Users. According to Adobe critical announcement, the trouble may arise that the Acrobat software doesn’t work when you launch it  30 days after installing the CS6. after 30 days when you install Adobe Creative Suite 6 (CS6). Today, the Office encountered the trouble, so please be careful if you install CS6. To Visiting Research Fellow.   The CS6 isn’t installed in the Desktop PC which the Center provides. Information Resource Acrobat Help / Doesn’t launch after 30 days | Installed as part of a CS6 suite Notice PLEASE check your “Adobe ID” and “License number (Serial Number)” before you cope with this issue. By this operation, you have to carry...Read More

(Urgent Notice) Crash Trouble in Windows 7 or Vista OS.

Dear Windows Vista and 7 users. Microsoft announced about the very critical bug in the security patch program (2823324 including MS13-036) for Windows Vista and 7. It has a bug to which OS stops. Therefore, Please check about the program. If the program is installed, please remove it as soon as possible.  Related Information MS13-036: Description of the security update for the Windows file system kernel-mode driver (ntfs.sys): April 9, 2013 How to remove the security patch called “2823324” You receive an Event ID 55 or a 0xc000021a Stop error in Windows 7 after you install security update 2823324 Please see “Resolution” category in above document. 16th April, 2013  Chief...Read More

(Local) PLEASE confirm your backup system for the important data!

Users. Recently, 2 incidents are occurring that the staffs cannot access to very important data in USB HDD due to the failure of  the HDD. PLEASE keep in mind that USB HDD and USB memory  have about 3 to 5 years of durable years only. I want to say that it is danger for you to trust the external media too much. I strongly recommend that your important data back up to 2 or more media! Especially, the rescue operation to USB memory is very difficult.Moreover, the rescue operation needs to spend huge cost, including human power, time, and so on.The Information Processing Office tries to do easy check and rescue,...Read More