(Done) Announcement of Preparation of installation for Second Skype TV

Dear all. Second Skype TV was installed at the following time. However, you cannot use yet about the Skype because the network  is limited.After Skype TV is installed, I will submit to the network center of Kyoto University (KUINS). Therefore, Please wait until the LAN becomes effective. Please wait for about a week. [Date]: January 23 (Monday), 2012   10:00 — 12:00[Place]: Meeting room in 1F, East building[Operation]: Installation of Skype TV Setting up TV * Skype TV in Tonatei, our staff can use it. About the handling manual, you can download in  . And then, the Office will prepare the arrangement version in the room as soon as possible....Read More

(KUINS) Tentative Network Service Suspension to external network.

Dear all. The maintenance operation () was postponed. New schedule is as follows: [Date]:  January 17, 2012 (Tuesday)   5:00 — 6:15  (The operation for 30 minutes will be done once) [Reason]: Maintenance  of SINET (Science Information NETwork is the Japan academic network) . [Influence]: During this time, the each network between Kyoto University and the Internet won’t be able to connect. In other words, the PC in Kyoto University network cannot access to the Internet. And you cannot send and receive an e-mail message. However, I think that users don’t need to worry because this operation time is too short. * Information source in Japanese (Network section in Information division of Kyoto University)....Read More

Recommendation of PC Security Check (Windows/Macintosh)

The aim of this page is the introduction of basic security measures. When a private PC is brought in or new PC is purchased, I hope that this page will serve as helpful. 1. Condition Check of PC Security Software. Check of whether the virus definition of security software is the latest version. Basically, the allowable range is within one week. Check of whether the security software is too old version. Baseline is that the version of security software is above 3 years ago. In case that there is room to suspect some   * I think that the following web site is helpful for doing the virus scan. http://www.myantispyware.com/2009/11/21/how-to-use-eset-online-scanner/...Read More

Firefox 9.0.1 and Thunderbird 9 Released

Firefox 9 and Thunderbird 9 were released on December 21, 2011. About the detail information, please check the release note. Firefox 9.0,1 was released on December 22, 2011. This version is the fix for  MacOSX Lion. (Firefox) Improvement of Javascript Performance. (Firefox) Compatibility of MacOSX LionAdded “Twitter” to the search bar for select locales. If you are  Firefox 7 or Thunderbird 7 user, your Firefox and Thunderbird will be automatically upgraded within several days. However, you had better keep in mind that a lot of add-on software in Thunderbird will be disabled because of compatibility issue. About famous add-on software, the new version will be arrived soon, but minar software...Read More

(Done) Announcement of Preparation of installation for Skype TV

Dear all. The following operation was finished without any troubles. As I informed you, Skype function is not available yet. As I informed at last staff meeting, fortunately, Skype TV will be installed at the following time.However, you cannot use yet about the Skype because the network in Tounantei is limited.After Skype TV is installed, I will submit to the network center of Kyoto University (KUINS). Therefore, Please wait until the LAN becomes effective. Maybe, it will be enabled at the beginning of next month. [Date]: December 22, 2011 15:00 — 17:00[Place]: Tounantei (Meeting room) in 2F, Inamori Center.[Operation]: Installation of Skype TV Setting up TV and Blue-ray 22th December,...Read More

(Restored) KUINS-III Network was tentatively unavailable due to network loop

Users. The KUINS-III network was tentatively unavailable at the following time. Fortunately, since this research institute network was not the cause KUINS (the network section of Kyoto University) solved the trouble in the short period of time in case of CSEAS network. Please keep in mind that if the cause is in CSEAS network, the network will be suspended for a long time. Therefore, please pay attention about the network loop in your room by reading the following explanation when you wire the network. [Date]: December 19, 2011  14:30 (Discovered)  —> 14:45 (Restored) [Influence Area]: All area in department of pharmacy (Including  east and common buidling, Library, Inamori Center) [Cause]: Network...Read More

(Done) Renewal of PCs in GIS Laboratory (Postphone for one day)

Dear Users. The following operation was done at the following time. Now, you can use new system. The operation is postponed for one day due to delay of PC shipping. 3 PCs in GIS Laboratory, Inamori Center will be renewed in the following period. [Date]: December 20, 2011  13:00   —   December 22, 2011 (3 days) [Operations]:  Replacement of 3 PCs  Upgrade ArcGIS software version to 10 in only new 3 PCs.* About old 3 PCs, ArcGIS 9.3.x is still used. Maintenance of all PCs. We are sorry for your inconvenience, but GIS Laboratory will be tentatively closed during this period. If you save a data to the desktop in the PC,...Read More

Tentative suspension of network connection

Dear all. Management Committee of Kyoto University Integrated Network Service (KUINS) informed the network administrator of all departments about the following network service suspension. [Date]:  December  15, 2011 (Thursday)   12:00 — 13:00  (40 seconds operation will be done 3 time) [Reason]: Upgrade firmware of the core network machines in KUINS. (Maybe, fix of security vulnerability) [Place]:   East and Common building, Library, and Inamori Center. [Influence]: The network connection may be temporarily unstable during this time, but I think that users don’t need to worry because this operation time is too short. * Information source in Japanese (KUINS). 8th December, 2011  Chief of Information Processing Office: Kitani.  

Google Chrome 16 Released

New version was released on December 13, 2011. New features are as follows:  User Management Google Chrome can switch all settings and information, such as the settings, bookmark, add-on, cookie, and so on.  Then, fifteen vulnerabilities were fixed.  Installation of Adobe Flash Player version is 14 December, 2011  Chief of Information Processing Office: Kitani.

Microsoft Office 2004 (11.6.6) / 2008 (12.3.2) / 2011 (14.1.4) for Mac Released

Users. The aim of this maintenance update version is for blocking the implementation of an attack code embedded in the document. Please update latest version if you use Microsoft Office 2004 or 2008. [How to update] There are two approaches. Click “Check for Updates” in the “Help” menu after one of Word/Excel/PowerPoint is started up.  * In case of using company or university network, the update may sometimes be failure because of using closed network with proxy system. If you cannot update it, please use “No.2” method. Download Standalone updater and install it. Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac 14.1.4 * Requirement  14.1.0 (Service Pack 1) before install latest version. Microsoft Office 2008...Read More